A .NET class library for the RSS specification providing a reusable object model for parsing and writing RSS Feeds.
Flexible: Reads feeds that do not adhere precisely to the various RSS specifications and are 'loose' in their interpretation.
Development Environments: Complete integration with Visual Studio.NET 2003, Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Web Developer.
Integration with Windows RSS Platform: Reads feeds from Windows Common Feed List.
No knowledge of XML Required: All underlying functions, including parsing, manipulating and creating XML elements and attributes is handled internally by the library.
IntelliSense Enabled: A convenient way to access descriptions of properties and methods in Visual Studio including autcompletion.
100% Managed Code: The .NET assemblies run inside the .NET CLR (Common Language Runtime).
DotNet Support: Use in .NET Framework 1.1 and .NET Framework 2.x.
Use in Multiple Platforms: Use in a desktop application, a Web Service or in an ASP.NET web page.
Caching: Support for "E-Tag" and other feed caching parameters resulting in a new feed download only if the feed on The Target server has been changed.
Support for Strongly Typed Classes: Generation of strongly typed classes for RSS feeds including strongly typed channel, items, image, handler based on a URL or a file.
Support for reading Password Protected Feeds: Allows reading password protected feeds. The library can parse username and password information from a URL as well as accept credentials as parameters programmatically provided.